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A Beginner's Guide for Your First Catio
Jul 05, 2024
Click to read some expert insights on how a catio can implement positive changes in your cat's life!...
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MaxFund Spotlight - Bringing New Cats Into The Home
Jul 03, 2024
A new article from offers insight about helping newly adopted cats adjust to your household. Our featured expert, Cat Foster Coordinator Shelly Raber, provides valuable tips!...
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MaxFund's Support of Animal Welfare Legislation - Denver VOICE
Jun 24, 2024
In a recent article by Denver VOICE, Journalist Jamie Miller interviews MaxFund Executive Director Kathy Gaines to explore the nonprofit's efforts to advance Colorado legislation aimed toward saving the lives of healthy, treatable pets. ...
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Saving Nevaeh - May 2024 Fund-A-Need
May 06, 2024
After being found abandoned and severely ill, this puppy's fight to stay alive has shown both hope and unprecedented strength. Now, we need your help....
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Hope For Harlow
Apr 03, 2024
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Denver7 Features MaxFund & Love Your Pet Day
Feb 26, 2024
See Denver7's Mile High Living feature of MaxFund animals and staff, in celebration of Love Your Pet Day! ...
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Bill: The Young Cat Who Refused to Give Up
Feb 26, 2024
Click to read the captivating story of Bill, a young cat who suffered a severe kidney disease and needed emergency, high-risk surgery. Learn how MaxFund stepped in to save his life when nobody else would....
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Setting You and Your Cat Up For Success Following Surgery
Feb 20, 2024
"Here are a few lessons, some I learned the hard way, on navigating the recovery process."...
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Do You Have A Snow-Dog?
Feb 20, 2024
As we move through the heart of the winter months and start hoping for spring, it is worth taking a moment to appreciate the different experiences of our pets in the colder season. ...
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Help MaxFund Save Abandoned Animals! Glory's Recovery Story
Feb 19, 2024
Donate to help MaxFund save other animals like Glory today, click to read her story. We are committed to giving animals--especially the injured, abandoned, and abused-- a second chance at life. ...
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Help Freya the Kitten on Her Healing Journey!
Nov 28, 2023
DONATE NOW to be a part of Freya's ongoing healing journey:
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2023 Holiday Giving Trees: PARTICIPATING LOCATIONS
Nov 10, 2023
Visit any one of the participating locations to purchase your tree ornament and make your donation, or you can donate directly through any location's direct donation link....
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2024 MaxFund Calendars AVAILABLE
Nov 10, 2023
Swing by Meow Manor (958 Inca Street) to purchase your calendar or email to check availability. ...
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8 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Adopting a Dog
Oct 09, 2023
Be fully prepared for the responsibility before bringing a pup home....
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MaxFund is Trying to Save Watson!
Jul 20, 2023
Please help! MaxFund is working to help save Watson from being euthanized at Denver Animal Shelter this coming Sunday, July 23rd. ...
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When Happily-Ever-After Doesn't Happen
Jun 02, 2023
We have mixed emotions when MaxFund pets are returned. Of course, we are happy to see our furry friends again, but it is disappointing to have a MaxFund dog or cat come back from what we thought was their forever home....
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The Mibs Giving Tree Story
May 15, 2023
In loving memory of MaxFund alumni dog, Mibs...
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