Veterinary Clinic
Laser Therapy

Could Laser Therapy Assist YOUR Pet?

Please visit Companion Therapy Laser and go to the “For Pet Owners” link for more information about this clinically proven treatment for many conditions.

Some of the conditions we commonly use laser for:

  • Bad Backs
  • Lameness
  • Healing Wounds
  • Abscesses
  • Arthritis
  • Post-surgery Incisions
  • and Many More!

One of the most effective uses of laser therapy is after surgery to help reduce post-operative pain and swelling, and to achieve faster healing.

Call the clinic at 303-595-0532 to schedule an evaluation.

One (single site) laser treatment $48
Purchase six (single site) laser treatments for $220

There is a $15 additional per site cost for multiple sites that need to be treated.