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Do You Have A Snow-Dog?
By Skye Baker, MARCH 2024 PAWPRINTS
As we move through the heart of the winter months and start hoping for spring, it is worth taking a moment to appreciate the different experiences of our pets in the colder season. Just as some of us enjoy winter more than others, some of our dogs love the snowy time of year. More than just cold weather, it is snow that is special for some dogs, and now is the season for “snow-dogs”!
Winter with pets is often more work, but I think most of us enjoy the special extras we get this time of year with our pets. For the final few days of winter, let’s celebrate how much we love snow-dogs! It may be impossible to suppress your smile when a big, fluffy, cold-weather dog has found the perfect spot to lounge in the snow. In their preferred element, they reach a calm contentment and happily refuse to come back inside. While we freeze and plead that it is time to go in, they are the most peaceful kind of stubborn. We bear the cold and let them lie in the snow a little longer and enjoy their moment. For other snow-dogs lounging is not an option. They are invigorated and must play in fresh snow.
Playing fetch now includes bounding, dolphin-leaps through the deep stuff and snowy snoots from poking their heads into layers of fresh snow. For some dogs just running and rolling through the snow provides a unique kind of joy. Snow-rollies and bouncy, white zoomies are a different kind of fun than summer playtime. Wet paw prints on the floor are a small price to pay for a happy, pouncy play session in the snow. Not all dogs have to be snow-dogs to make the most of winter days.
Plenty of dogs are happy to stay inside and cuddle on the cold days, and few things make a cold winter day better than a pup snuggled on the blanket with you. Most dogs seem to know how irresistibly cute they are in a sweater for walks on chilly days, even if it is an alternative walk through a warm pet-friendly store. Dogs that don’t even like the cold sometimes cannot resist the urge to chomp on snow as a special snack. We make the most of the winter days with any dog, but it certainly is special when our dogs love the snow.
At MaxFund we always make sure our dogs stay warm and happy all winter, but we also love letting our snow-dogs get the most they can from winter days. Spring is right around the corner. We hope everyone had a great winter. We are all looking forward to doggy hikes and sunny days in the park, but we should make sure we enjoy our remaining winter days with our dogs who love the white stuff. Let us embrace the extra bundling up for cold potty breaks and mopping snowy pawprints off the wet floors.
Here’s one last cheer for the snow-dogs!
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What is the address of your event?
Preferred time frame (most mobile adoptions are 2-3 hours)
Will setup be indoors or outdoors?
Both Indoor and Outdoor space
If outdoors, will there be shade? If a pop-up tent is required for shade, are you able to provide the tent, or do we need to bring one?
Is this a private or public event?
How many other vendors will be participating during your event?
Do you understand and agree to the $500 minimum donation policy?
Are you able to provide a table for MaxFund outreach material?
Is there parking to park a mini van? (Maximum 6 animals).
Is there room to park a 24’ long, 12’ high airconditioned RV?
We can accommodate more animals if they are available, and if we have adequate MaxFund volunteer support on the day of your event.
Is there a cost to park, or will there be a parking permit required?
When is the earliest time that we can arrive to begin setting up?
Can we put out a MaxFund donation jar?
Do you want MaxFund to bring adoptable cats, dogs, or both to your event?
Can we sell MaxFund merchandise?
How many people do you anticipate participating in the event?
Are you requesting that we promote the event on our end? If so, will you be providing the event graphics?
Please provide the contact information for whoever will be our point of contact on the event day. Both an email address and phone number are preferred
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